Delay in GST dues to some states over AG certificate: Nirmala Sitharaman – Times of India

NEW DELHI: Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday said GST compensation to some states is delayed due to non-availability of accountant general’s (AG’s) authenticated certificate, and that Kerala has not sent even a single such certificate since 2017-18.
She also said that Rs 86,912 crore has been released for GST compensation payable to all states up to May 31, 2022. She said under the law, GST council decides to whom the GST compensation is to be released, not by the central government. “AG’s certification is (mandatory) by law between the Centre, states and the AG, and it is an agreed process” she said.
The FM said if there is any delay of getting the AG’s authentication, it is a matter between the AG and the state government concerned, and they have to sort it out. “If between them there is a problem, the authentication certificate gets delayed in reaching the central government,” she said.
Sitharaman underlined that to get GST compensation, state governments have to do a lot more. “The state governments have to be efficient to sort it out things with the AG. But without AG certificate, beyond a certain limit, it is very difficult for me to go,” she said. The FM said with regard to Tamil Nadu, the AG’s certificate has been received for 2017-18 and the amount has been released.

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