Explosions in Gaza after Israeli air raids – SUCH TV

Israel has bombed the Gaza Strip, saying the air attacks were a response to a rocket fired from the Palestinian territory over the weekend, as one person was reported killed in an army raid on the occupied West Bank.

According to international media reports, several explosions were reported in Gaza early on Monday. There was no immediate word on casualties.

The Israeli army said it had attacked an underground site “containing raw materials used for the manufacturing of rockets belonging to the Hamas”.

The attacks were “in response to the Saturday rocket launch from Gaza into Israel,” the army added in a statement.

There has been no claim from any Palestinians about that alleged rocket launch.

The Palestinian Red Crescent, meanwhile, said one person was killed in a pre-dawn Israeli army raid in Nablus in the occupied West Bank, the scene of near-relentless violence over the past year.

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2: https://www.suchtv.pk/world/item/118589-explosions-in-gaza-after-israeli-air-raids.html

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