Fox News True Crime Newsletter: Gypsy Rose Blanchard speaks, Kennedy cousin slams cops in 1975 murder

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CAUTIONARY TALE: Gypsy Rose Blanchard says she didn’t want abusive mother dead despite the plot to kill her.

‘MAY DECEMBER’: Mary Kay Letourneau’s student lover makes surprising comments on a movie loosely based on his sensational saga.

PREPSTER MURDER: Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel says cops withheld evidence in 1975 probe of Martha Moxley murder.

Martha Moxley was found dead on Oct. 31, 1975 after going out on “mischief night” the evening before. An autopsy revealed she had been bludgeoned with a club – the weapon, found at the crime scene, was traced back to the Skakel household.  (Getty Images)

GONE GIRL: Manhunt underway for ‘person of interest’ in Indiana lawyer’s disappearance.

‘DIDN’T SEEM HUMAN’: Former FBI agent recalls one serial killer who left her ‘shaken.’

Headshot of Ciera Breland.

Ciera Breland was last seen leaving her mother-in-law’s house with her husband and son on Feb. 24, 2022 at Johns Creek, GA.  (Courtesy: Ciera Breland’s Family)

MURDER FOR HIRE: Inside equestrian’s alleged plot to kill rich hubby before divorce ink was dry.

RUNNING FREE: Olympian Oscar Pistorius earns freedom after serving time for killing gorgeous gal pal in fit of rage.

Reeva Steenkamp and Oscar Pistorius pose together Jan. 13, 2013

Slain model Reeva Steenkamp with her killer Oscar PIstorius Jan. 13, 2013/file portrait. (Waldo Swiegers/Mike Holmes both via Getty )

MADELEINE MCCANN: Parents make new declaration in case of missing toddler who vanished from Portugal resort.

PAPER TRAIL: Handwriting cracks murders of woman and daughters killed on Florida vacation.


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