WATCH: Dogs ‘tie the knot’ in extravagant wedding

A screengrab of the wedding ceremony of two dogs in India. — Twitter/ANI

Weddings in the subcontinent are no small matter. They are times of great pomp and show and families do whatever they can to arrange lavish and extravagant weddings for loved ones. However, a new trend is fast becoming in vogue — that of wedding ceremonies for pets.

Animal lovers often spare no expense when taking care of their pets and spoil their ‘fur babies” more than they would their actual children. In an amusing turn of events, two families in India have taken this trend up a notch.

A viral video began circulating Tuesday of two Indian families celebrating the wedding ceremony of their pet dogs with great exuberance and pomp.

According to ANI, this incident took place in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, and a dog named Tommy was married to a 7-month-old female dog, Jelly.

What is particularly delightful about this video is the love the families have for their pets. The viral video opens with the families dancing to the sound of drums under a red marquee with pink and white decorations.

The video then cuts to the pair of dogs wearing garlands and surrounded by flowers and the families.

Tommy’s owner, speaking to Indian, said that the one-of-a-kind marriage was originally scheduled for January 14, coinciding with the occasion of Makar Skranti, a festival for worshipping the sun God ‘Surya’.

The wedding ceremony was arranged in line with Indian traditions and rituals. Jelly’s owners applied Tilak to the groom ie Tommy as per Hindu rituals. There was also a Baraat procession, in which the baraatis danced enthusiastically.

Food for the guests included local cuisines and food made in desi ghee was also distributed among the dogs in the neighbourhood.

The owners claimed that around 40,000 to 45,000 Indian rupees ( which comes down to over 100,000 Pakistani rupees) at this event.

Moreover, after the wedding, a ‘vidaai’ (seeing off ceremony) was also organised, and the newlywed Jelly was seen off with her better half.

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