Will ask SBP governor to collaborate with philanthropists to raise dollars: Finance Minister – SUCH TV

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar said on Thursday that he would ask the central bank governor to coordinate with a group of philanthropists in an effort to raise dollars from overseas Pakistanis to reduce the foreign exchange shortage.

Addressing a conference on Islamic finance via video link, Dar praised the initiative of Bashir Farooqi, founder of Saylani Welfare International Trust, under which leading philanthropists expect to raise $2 billion for five years. The funds will not generate any profit for the overseas Pakistanis, Farooqi said.

The fundraising drive will help ease the shortage of foreign exchange, which is causing delays in the clearance of imported goods from port authorities.

Other participants in the initiative are The Citizens Foundation, Akhuwat Foundation and Indus Hospital.

“We will hold a joint press conference soon to ask overseas Pakistanis for help,” Farooqi said.

During his address, Dar also called for eliminating the interest-based system and said a committee had been constituted to ensure that an Islamic banking system was established.

A bank that had only 100 branches previously had grown to 1,000 branches after adopting Islamic banking practices, the finance minister claimed, according to an APP report.

He noted that the Federal Shariat Court had given the government five years to eliminate interest-based banking from the country and expressed confidence that it could “meet the criteria set for the conversion before the stipulated time” with the cooperation of stakeholders.

Dar shared that he had directed the State Bank of Pakistan and the National Bank of Pakistan to withdraw their appeals against the Federal Shariat Court ruling.

The fundraising initiative comes as the country’s foreign exchange reserves plunged to a nine-year low of $3.7bn — not enough to cover even three weeks of imports.


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2: https://www.suchtv.pk/business/item/118468-will-ask-sbp-governor-to-collaborate-with-philanthropists-to-raise-dollars-finance-minister.html

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