King Charles needs to abdicate, he is too weak?

King Charles needs to abdicate, he is too weak?

King Charles needs to abdicate as he is too weak to rule, royal fans say after reports the monarch has asked Archbishop for a deal to allow Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to attend Coronation.

Commenting on a report by Express UK, one fan said, “Charles needs to abdicate he’s too weak.”

Another said, “I don’t think he’s strong enough to abdicate!”

“He may have to, like King Edward VIII,” said one more fan.

King Charles needs to abdicate, he is too weak?

“I’m losing more respect for King Charles. His woke coronation and now this.”

King Charles needs to abdicate, he is too weak?

Another fan reacted, “I agree that Charles won’t step down, he’s too self-centred to do that, but I disagree that people have ‘accepted’ him and Camilla. Even many people who are pro-royal haven’t done that. That’s why Charles is divisive, and why it would be better for the monarchy if he stepped aside, even though we know that he won’t.”

King Charles needs to abdicate, he is too weak?

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