Meghan Markle creates ‘new identity’

Prince Harry’s wife Meghan Markle has reportedly created a “new identity” for herself and has “developed new confidence” as she begins to venture into her solo projects.

The Duchess of Sussex is said to be “truly happy” with her professional and personal life, she’s ready to take it on without Harry’s accompaniment.

Darren Stanton, a body language expert and author, has claimed that the former Suits star “isn’t afraid to attend events without Harry.”

The expert sad: “Meghan Markle has always been a very confident woman. During her career as an actress, she had to be confident in order to get to where she got to. I think there were dips in that level of confidence when she first came to the UK, but predominantly believe that she has always remained confident.”

Darren went on saying: “People have levels of confidence in different contexts, so Meghan was a confident woman in her own right as an actress, but obviously she had to develop her own identity, in terms of being a wife and mother. Obviously, she would never have been attending royal events had she not been with Prince Harry, so I think she’s had to develop a whole new level of confidence, which we can see.”


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