Prince Andrew mulls disgracing King Charles, royal family by following in Harry’s footsteps?

Prince Andrew, tipped to pen his own memoir, won’t follow in Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s footsteps.

There are speculations and predictions that the Duke of York is planning to write a book in bid to clear his name and fix image that has been damaged after sex scandal. There are also reports that Britain’s new King Charles’s younger brother is reportedly considering overturning the settlement he reached out of court last year with his accuser Virginia Giuffre.

However, a source close to the royal, has revealed that Andrew won’t disgrace and attack the royal family even if he writes a autobiography.

Sarah Ferguson’s husband and Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie’s father Andrew has no plans to go against his own royal relatives, a well-informed source has revealed.

“If Andrew ever mulls writing an autobiography, which’s not confirmed yet, would not hurl insults at his own family. The Duke instead may try to clear his image and share some bitter truth about his personal life that would have nothing to do with the rest of royals.”

Some commentators are predicting that Andrew could join Harry to take revenge from Charles, and may write his own memoir. A “long-time friend” of the Duke is being quoted as saying he may try to rehabilitate his image by putting pen to paper.

“He would never have considered it while his mother was alive but it would be the perfect riposte now. Of course, the royals wouldn’t like it, but Fergie did hers and wasn’t ostracised — and as for Harry, they are even now talking about family reconciliation.”

It comes amid reports that he’s considering overturning the settlement he reached out of court last year with his accuser. 

Andrew seems to be inspired of his ex-wife Sarah with whom he has retained a good relationship over the years. The Duchess of York has also written two autobiographies since the exes finalised their divorce in 1996.

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