Prince Harry accused of giving severe pain to King Charles and William

Prince Harry has garnered incendiary headlines by revealing details of bitter family resentments in his ghostwritten memoir Spare.

The 38-year-old prince has described his acrimonious split from the Firm alongside his wife, Meghan Markle, after the coupe’s request for a part-time role was rejected by the late Queen.

“Friends of the Prince of Wales are commenting that he is ‘anxious’ and ‘sad’ about what Harry has said in his book but is focusing on his family.” 

Hilary Fordwich told Fox News about Harry’s older brother, Prince William, the heir to the British throne. “One friend is known to have said that ‘he’s handling it so well on the outside — inside he’s burning.’”

“As for the king, he is said to be ‘extremely pained, very frustrated and anxious’ to reach a resolution with his son,” Fordwich noted about King Charles III, 74.

“Regarding remaining silent, as long as they continue to be supported by the British in sentiment via the polls, the royal family is expected to stick to what works, what Queen Elizabeth II lived by, and what is respected as the ‘high road’ by the British public — never complain and never explain.”

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