Prince Harry ‘missing’ Prince William after calling brother ‘villian’ in memoir

Prince Harry and Prince William

Prince Harry is reportedly “missing” his brother Prince William after giving him the title of the “villain” in his latest memoir Spare in 2023.

Harry wrote in his memoir that the brothers had always argued constantly, sometimes even getting physical.

However, there are whispers that Harry wants to mend some of his ties with his family, particularly with King Charles, his father. Whether the rival brothers will reconcile has been questioned by several.

The couple will probably get back together in the future, but not in the upcoming year, according to royal expert Lynn Carratt.

“There have been recent rumours that relations between Harry and his father King Charles are thawing, while relations between William and Harry are still said to be icy,” the expert told Mirror.

“Meghan and Harry will know in their heart-of-hearts that many bridges will need to [be] built in order for a reconciliation with the Royals,” Carratt added.

She further continued, “I firmly believe that there are parts of Harry that misses his immediate family. Himself and William went through a lot together growing up and I do think they will eventually come back together in the future.”

However, another royal expert thinks otherwise.

By characterising Prince William as a “villain” in his memoir Spare, which was published earlier this year, Prince Harry might have destroyed any chance of their reunion.

After revealing shocking information about every member of the royal family—including William, King Charles, Kate Middleton, and others—the Duke of Sussex caused a stir around the globe.

Royal analyst Rebecca English said that, considering their prior close relationship, the former royal’s attack on his elder brother was especially unexpected during her appearance on the Daily Mail’s monthly talk show Palace Confidential.

“We thought it might be the King and the Queen who were the villains of the piece, but it actually turned out to be his older brother,” she said.

Harry said that William “grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and he knocked me to the floor,” in addition to accusing his father of unquestioningly choosing the royal heir over him.

Rebecca added, “They did everything together, so to see that explode once and for all so nastily was actually really sad to see.”


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