Prince Harry’s Lilibet, Archie turning into a ‘spare thought’ for King Charles

Prince Harry is reportedly forcing Archie and Lilibet to live with the aftereffects of his ‘aired dirty laundry’.

Melanie Cable-Alexander brought this claim to light during the course of her piece for the Daily Mail.

Ms Alexander believes, “Each time I read or hear another word by him about his rift with the royals or the misery of his life pre-Meghan, I wince for his two young children.”

“With so much dirty linen being washed in public, so many accusations flung, how on earth is it going to affect Archie, aged three, and one-year-old Lilibet, in future?”

“At this rate, I fear Harry is perpetuating for his own children those same feelings of vulnerability, insecurity and ‘spareness’ that he himself so palpably possesses.”

“Will Harry’s children be able to say the same of their relationship with their cousins, Princes George and Louis and Princess Charlotte? Or, more likely, has Harry’s behaviour wrecked the potential bond between them?”

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