Queen Camilla’s COVID-19 announcement sparks confusion

Queen Consort Camilla was forced to cancel public engagements after testing positive for COVID-19 over the weekend, however, the announcement of her diagnosis has left royal fans confused.

Buckingham Palace on Monday, February 13, shared a statement that said: “After suffering the symptoms of a cold, Her Majesty, The Queen Consort has tested positive for the Covid virus.”

However, as per Hello magazine, royal fans’ confusion arose from the fact that the announcement came after an earlier statement that suggested that Queen Camilla was just down with a ‘seasonal illness.’

The earlier statement had also said that she hoped to be well enough to undertake her engagements on Wednesday and Thursday this week; however, in light of the later statement, she has cancelled all her upcoming engagements due to COVID-19.

As per the outlet, many fans were left questioning as to why the Palace had not waited for Camilla’s final diagnosis to release a statement, while others speculated as to why they must’ve decided to release the first statement in haste.

One royal enthusiast suggested: “Could it be that they thought she had a cold and until they had taken a test, it wasn’t thought to be COVID? Just a thought.”

Another added: “Cough, cold, sniffles, high temperature. Symptoms of seasonal illness…also symptoms of covid. However, I’m guessing she hadn’t tested for covid when the first release went out, and she had to cancel today’s appointments. Likely did think it was a winter cold!” 

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2: https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/1040589-queen-camilla-s-covid-19-announcement-sparks-confusion

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