Will Smith explains how his Emancipation’s character took a toll on him

Will Smith explains how his Emancipation’s character took a toll on him

Will Smith has recently explained how his role in Emancipation took a toll on him.

Speaking to Kevin Hart on Peacock show Hart to Heart, the Hancock star revealed, “I went too far in Emancipation.”

During the interview, The Pursuit of Happyness actor mentioned that the thought of his character made him “teary-eyed”.

“Just bringing it up, I start to get teary,” said the Seven Pounds actor.

Directed by Antoine Fuqua, Emancipation movie was based on the story of a real-life who “escaped slavery” and this was inspired by famous 1863 photo Whipped Peter.

Smith continued, “I wanted to feel the degradation of slavery and I went too far in. The level of human brutality, what we will do to each other.”

Recalling the filming time, the I Am Legend star disclosed that crew were not able to remove his neck chains, causing the actor to panic at one time on set.

“I was like, ‘I want the real weight. I want the real chains,’” shared the After Earth actor.

Smith stated, “So they got old chains and they put it on my neck and they were fitting it for size and I’m standing there and the prop master went to put the key in and the key didn’t work. And I was like, ‘Oh no. Will, relax’.”

He noted, “And I’m standing there and they’re running around and they couldn’t get me out of it. I’m standing there in those chains, right on that hyperventilating edge.”

However, he was freed from the chains but the character stayed with him for long time.

“It was one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had as an actor. The character Peter introduced me to God. My faith got solid after working on that movie,” concluded Smith. 

1: https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/1097166-will-smith-explains-how-his-emancipations-character-took-a-toll-on-him

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